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Must Have Checklist in Your Motorcycle Luggage For Long Distance Ride

If you going for a long distance or multiple-day motorcycle ride, you don’t want to stink or get hungry on the road.

First and foremost, the condition of your motorcycle should be on top of your checklist whether you are planning for a long ride or otherwise. Always check your brakes, tires, and shocks.

Motorcycle Checklist

Other than your bike, you would also want to do a checklist for your saddlebag or motorcycle luggage to make sure that you pack everything you needed. Keep in mind that most of the time, buying stuff at pit stops are expensive.

Here are some of the things you may include in your checklist.

Tool Set

These will help avoid delays on the road. Some of the basic tools that you should not forget to tag along with you are adjustable wrench, Allen wrenches, air pump and screwdriver.


Always pack light! Since it is a long distance ride, you should bring some extra clothing. Just make sure that you are packing light. You may consider polyester since it is lightweight and dries quickly, just in case you need to do laundry during stops.

Your clothing pieces will depend on how many days your trip will be. Let’s say it’s going to be a 3-day trip. Your list should include at least 1 extra pair of pants, 3 shirts, 2 pairs of socks, a jacket, 3 underwears, and a pair of sleepwear.

Don’t forget a rain jacket too. You can use this during nighttime rides and whenever temperatures drop. In the winter, pack an extra jacket, gloves, and a neck warmer.

Also bring your preferred headwear to keep your face of any destruction. You can use a ponytail, headband, skull cap or a bandana. All of these will keep you warm during winter ride, your hair from slapping you face, and the bugs at bay.

Check out Motorcycle Tips – Must Have Clothing Essentials For Beginner Riders



Just bring basic toiletries and not your whole facial cleansing arsenal. Pack a shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. You may probably bring a small comb, chapstick for dry lips, and some Kleenex travel packs.


Ziploc bags could be your best friend during long distance or multiple days ride. These will keep your clothes organized.

You may also want to bring some extra plastic shopping bags and at least one large garbage bag. This is to protect your stuff when it suddenly rains. You may also use it for your soiled clothes.


Pack drinking water and light snacks such as mixed nuts so you can take some food during stops.


These are essentials that you wouldn’t like to be left behind. If you have prescription medicines, make sure that these are the first in your travel bag. You may also include in your med pack a couple of cold tablets, ibuprofen, and some ointment for insect bites.


Of course, you don’t want to forget your phones, camera, and a charger at times like this. Also bring your ID, some cash, insurance, maps, sunglasses or motorcycle goggles, helmet, gloves, and boots.




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