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Why Take a Motorcycle Safety Class?

Owning a motorcycle is one thing, understanding the risk involve in riding one is another thing. Sure, protective gears important. But the knowledge on how to protect yourself on the road is crucial too.

If you are thinking of taking one, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) offers motorcycle classes for riders of various skill levels. It has the best-recognized rider education program in the United States and the classes are held across the country. However, keep in mind that each state has different MSF. For instance, new riders in the state of Florida must take the class in order to have the motorcycle endorsement on your driver’s license.

Why it’s important to take motorcycle safety classes? Here are some advantages of these classes.

To make you a safe/defensive rider

According to the data provided by the MSF-Texas, 90 percent of riders involved in motorcycle accidents have had no formal training. To avoid road mishap, the training can make vigilant and develop the presence of mind while riding.

To improve your overall skills and judgment on the road

Motorcycle safety classes typically cover a variety of skills and procedures that are critical in a safe riding. These skills include how to maneuver through various traffic obstacles, turning corners, and how to avoid crash. It will improve your safe and defensive riding habits, pro-activeness, and visual alertness. The classes will also teach you how to understand and observe various traffic situations and rules.

To reduce insurance rates

Some insurance companies offer discounts to riders once they have completed the course. You can ask your insurance provider to see if they offer discounts to riders who have taken MSF safety course.

To avail of discounts from motorcycle manufacturers

Motorcycle producers such as Honda, Harley-Davidson, and Yamaha reimburse riders for taking the class. When purchasing a motorcycle, ask your dealership if they offer motorcycle safety class.

To have an express path to a motorcycle license

In some states, a completed MSF course or other recognized programs can allow a rider to bypass the written or riding portions of the motorcycle license exam. In other states, riders qualify for a motorcycle license immediately and automatically after passing the course.

State laws vary widely so it is best to visit your state motor vehicle registry and local motorcycle schools’ websites for more information.

To help you decide if a motorcycle is really your ride

Buying a motorcycle is an important investment since it value depreciates quickly. In some cases, a rider become less interested in riding when they got injured. By that time, you may still be paying for your motorcycle. Taking a motorcycle safety class gives you the opportunity to try a number of bikes and ultimately, help you decide if a motorcycle is for you.





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