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riding skills

 In this Motorman's tip of the week, I ride thru some traffic and tell you what to watch out for and how I stay safe out on the road. Video From: Ride Like a Pro Jerry Palladino

 My right foot almost never goes on the ground...not for stop signs for stop lights. Keep it on the rear brake. Left foot down and flat is better than.

  My vision is to inspire riders to wear gear, take courses and practice in order to reduce crashes on public roads. Whenever you're riding around on the highway, always put yourself in a position so other people can see you and you can see...

 Here's Motorman, Jerry Palladino explaining and demonstrating how to make slow speed turns on any motorcycle by using the proper techniques. Video From: Ride Like a Pro Jerry Palladino

 Keep slowing until you're comfortable with your speed, look towards your intended path of travel and consciously and actively counter steer to get the bike to lean. Video From: MotoJitsu
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